The Definitive Guide to Fitness for Beginners

Loaded with hundreds of subjects, thousands of assignments and a constant pressure of achieving 75% attendance, it's quite obvious for the students of this generation feel stressed time to time.
Though the fact is that stress is a part of us and helps one to react during the unfavorable situations  still it’s not natural for us to feel stressed 24/7.
The race to excel in each and every field gradually pushes the level of stress higher on the bar with time. According to psychologists, continuous stress may lead to depression.
College students are put under so much stress that it’s only natural for them to feel the consequences.

Considering the fact that there's no way to eliminate stress from our life completely, one can actually reduce it to minimal to continue leading a normal life without being affected by any psychological disorders.
Stress is more like the gravitational force which is constantly suppressing the individual and making it looks normal after a point of time when it's certainly not.
Lou Holtz said "It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it",  so this is exactly what a stress management is.
As we know, stress free life is an illusion but a life with minimal stress is not so hard to achieve.
Since college education is testing your limits every single day, it’s important to develop immunity against stress. One has to try hard enough to recognize the 'stress moment' and either make the sense numb to it or has to develop a strong immunity to not let it effect much.
 Stress never kills us but our reaction to it surely does. This might be one of the most important lesson to learn in life.

There are few practical tips which help you to deal with stress:

1. One's routine should be made flexible and rigid as well.

2. Talking to friends usually help.

3. Proper amount of sleep makes the day better.

4. It's okay to not to be active all day.

5. Get time to follow your passion.

6. Music is the saviour once and for all.

7. Being a bit selfish ain't that bad.

Self focus and determination is all one need to avoid stress. After all, 'Adopting a right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one' - Hans Selye.
The Definitive Guide to Fitness for Beginners The Definitive Guide to Fitness for Beginners Reviewed by Anatomy Secrets on 00:36 Rating: 5


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